Sunday, May 7, 2017

A sudden storm shattered my dreams

Here is the fifth unforgettable character in my life …

He was a very good friend of mine. We both shared a lot of interests. Therefore when, one day, we talked about beginning an English magazine for the Youth, we were on common turf. At that time my wife had gone to her mother’s place and he was a bachelor. His father stayed with him but did not interfere in the activities of his son. Hence, we would spend hours discussing, preparing layouts, debating on what material would be suitable. It should be mentioned here that he had an exceptional ability to analyze anything. Naturally, he was in the Quality control department while I was in the production lines. By default, we seldom saw eye to eye in the work place. Still we discussed our project at length – in between working breaks as also outside office hours.
I still remember an occasion when I landed up in his place. It was a Saturday; he was humming an English tune as he cleaned a bowl of rice of foreign matter and took a sip from a large glass that stood by his side. His father was in the inner room with a book – he loved reading.
My friend welcomed and offered me a drink. It was orange in color and had the distinct taste of orange juice. Only, it was country liquor. Hesitatingly, I took a tiny sip and began discussing our proposed magazine. We planned to visit the college and approach the Principal to let us have a chat with the students on the subject – we wanted to involve them in our decision so that they could get an incentive to associate with us. I never noticed when my glass had become empty.
The night was not young any longer. I stood up and after a few steps, felt that I was walking on air! My feet kept searching for firmness under the soles!! My rooms were round the corner and, I do not know how I climbed down the staircase. When I woke next morning, I found that I had not even bolted the door – I was lying in a heap on the floor.
This friend of mine met with a terrible end. He was from Andhra and the group went for the annual picnic to celebrate Sankranti. He was in charge of the record player. As usual, he had his glass of drink with him. When all the members were busy, he suddenly realized that the record had stopped playing. He walked over to put on a new record and, at that very moment, there was a sudden gust of wind. The force was such that it broke the branch of the tree and it fell on him. He was crushed under it.

Image courtesy

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