Friday, April 22, 2022

For our eyes only – popularity of contact lenses on the rise

Necessity is the mother of invention. That is how the concept of contact lenses emerged. As life went on the fast track, spectacles became a cumbersome affair. They were an additional burden to the owners. He had to take care to preserve them when not in use. Polish them at regular intervals to ensure clear vision. At times, he would misplace them and be in panic because he might be as good as blind if the glasses were not in place on the bridge of his nose. Then there were problems of losing them or even damaging them. Obviously, he had to keep a standby pair handy. Contact lenses came to him as a gift.

Over a period of time, contact lenses gained acceptance. It became a fashion statement for the rich and famous. Those in the entertainment industry loved these lenses but a section of people did not go for these items. They were those who are accustomed to using the spectacles to make a statement. They would remove the glasses, hold them in the hand and gesticulate as they try to impress their point of view upon the audience. Many of them are politicians, lawyers, or even professors.

Some popular stories in this and related sites –

For our eyes only – when kids wear glasses

For our eyes only

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