Saturday, February 28, 2015

Boarding a moving bus or alighting before bus has stopped is a crime in Nashik

I came to McKenzie Bungalow and began to commute to the Old Distillery Building in Nashik Road by bus. It was roughly 5-Km away and I had to give my attendance there and gradually get acquainted with the work till the work center in the factory was set up in Ojhar. This place was 25-Km from Nashik Road and to go to the factory there were the company buses – all blue color.
And, I got my first shock about public transport of Nashik when I boarded the bus. I was surprised to see that the bus conductor occupied a seat and the passenger had to buy his ticket immediately he got up in the bus. Standing was not allowed and if one tried to alight before the bus stopped, he would be reprimanded.
Actually, it happened to me. I am from Kolkata and boarding a moving bus or alighting while the bus was I motion came to me naturally. But, I got reprimanded by the bus conductor when I tried to do that.
Another time, I faced embarrassment when the conductor stopped the bus and told me to get down. The reason was that I had not purchased the ticket. Actually, I still held the money in my palm and was waiting for the conductor to come and get it. I was not knowing that it should be my initiative to buy the ticket.
How did he know that I had not purchased my ticket?
Well, he was verifying the number of tickets sold against the number of heads in the bus and his total was not matching. So he began to check everybody’s ticket and, when he came to me, I held out the money and he flared up. He rang the bell, stopped the bus and asked me to get down.
It was an embarrassment for me and, due to the intervention of some of my fellow travelers who realized that I was new to the place, the conductor gave me the ticket and the bus went on its way. (to be continued …)

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